What are the lessons to learn from the Facebook “networking issues”
On Monday, October 4, both social media and communication platforms Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp crushed for around 6 hours. While Facebook officials reported on Twitter doing their best to “get things back to normal as quickly as possible”, worried users were migrating towards more stable services.
In the meanwhile, the Bitcoin price rose above $49,000 right after falling to a daily minimum of $47,166. Thus, BTC increased 4,5% in around two hours reacting to the Facebook services total crash. The Ethereum price showed a similar reaction with an increase of 3,5% over the same two hours since the breaking news had been announced.
This week’s total crash resulted in engagement falldown including the community engagement around different topics. The Blockchain and crypto community was, of course, among the affected ones. As a result, such channels as Twitter, YouTube, Telegram as far as various forums gained both in audience and in trust. The community main reaction stated the need of a decentralized social network built on the Blockchain technology. According to company official communications, Twitter is already working on a decentralized standard for social media with the main purpose of automated content screening and healthier content environment.
The experience of operating decentralized services like Quppy as far as the Bitcoin model itself show that a decentralized social media platform would finally make the end user responsible for its personal data together with enhancing the general user experience. The privacy obstacle remains the key one after the Monday crash as users tend not to believe the Facebook statements of their personal data security over the six everlasting hours of the services being down. The decentralized social media platform users would log in using their private keys that, as we all know, are nearly impossible to steal. The decentralized solution would also ease the content creation and promotion through the transparent Blockchain voting solutions.
The decentralized Blockchain technologies already do have a solution for the next generation messengers due to the encryption mechanisms. The better WhatsApp of tomorrow could be peer-to-peer encrypted without any connection to the user phone number. These brand-new messengers would also enable integrated secure money transfers contributing to the fintech development. That’s where the ecosystem future might reside.
There is no good without evil. Never. Hopefully the October Facebook crash would accelerate the development of a decentralized Web 3.0 where users would not need to worry for their data and would not suffer from most popular services being down as this new Web would let them easily export everything from one service to another bringing them security and, what’s even more important, social media and communicative independence.