USDT and USDC empowered by Ethereum

3 min readOct 23, 2023


Quppy now supports USDT and USDC on ERC20 Network

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the stablecoin market has seen remarkable growth and innovation in recent years. Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) are two of the most well-known stablecoins in the cryptocurrency world, serving as a bridge between the traditional financial system and the blockchain ecosystem. What sets them apart, and what allows them to thrive in the digital economy, is their compatibility with the Ethereum blockchain, specifically the ERC-20 token standard. In this article, we’ll explore how USDT and USDC coins are powered by the ERC-20 network.

Understanding the ERC-20 Token Standard

The Ethereum blockchain is not only a platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) but also the foundation for thousands of different tokens. ERC-20 is the most widely adopted token standard on the Ethereum network, defining a set of rules and functions for creating fungible tokens. This standard has allowed for the easy creation of digital assets and is responsible for the explosion of the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.

Before delving into the specifics of USDT and USDC, it’s crucial to understand the ERC-20 token standard. ERC-20 stands for Ethereum Request for Comments 20 and is a set of rules and functions that developers follow when creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. These rules establish a common set of methods and properties that ensure compatibility between different tokens, making them fungible and easily tradable on Ethereum-based decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and other platforms.

USDT: The ERC-20 Version

Tether (USDT), originally launched on the Bitcoin blockchain, expanded its presence by issuing USDT tokens on the Ethereum network using the ERC-20 standard. By adopting ERC-20, Tether extended the utility of its stablecoin to the vast Ethereum ecosystem, allowing users to leverage it for trading, lending, borrowing, and more within the Ethereum DeFi space.

The ERC-20 version of USDT offers several advantages:

Interoperability: USDT on the ERC-20 network can seamlessly integrate with various Ethereum-based applications, such as DEXs, lending platforms, and decentralized apps. This interoperability significantly enhances its usability.

Liquidity: Being an ERC-20 token means that USDT can be traded with ease on a wide range of cryptocurrency exchanges and DEXs, ensuring high liquidity and minimal price slippage during transactions.

Decentralization: Although Tether as an issuer remains centralized, USDT on the Ethereum network leverages the decentralization inherent to the blockchain, granting users greater control over their assets.

Security: Ethereum’s robust security infrastructure provides an added layer of protection to USDT, making it more resilient to hacking and fraud.

USDC: The Ethereum Native Stablecoin

USD Coin (USDC), on the other hand, was specifically designed to be an Ethereum-native stablecoin. As such, it operates exclusively on the Ethereum blockchain using the ERC-20 standard. USDC is known for its regulatory compliance and transparent reserves, making it a popular choice among users who value stability and transparency.

The ERC-20 nature of USDC comes with several benefits:

Seamless Integration: USDC is native to the Ethereum network, making it naturally compatible with Ethereum’s smart contracts, dApps, and DeFi protocols. This inherent compatibility simplifies its use within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Security and Transparency: Operating on Ethereum guarantees the security and transparency associated with the blockchain, and USDC’s commitment to maintaining a 1:1 reserve ratio with US dollars enhances its trustworthiness.

Regulatory Compliance: USDC’s issuer, regulated financial institutions, maintain a commitment to compliance with financial regulations, providing users with confidence in its legal standing.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Accessibility: As an ERC-20 token, USDC plays a vital role in the DeFi sector, enabling users to participate in various DeFi applications, from yield farming to decentralized lending.

In conclusion, both Tether’s USDT and USD Coin (USDC) have harnessed the power of the Ethereum blockchain through the ERC-20 standard, offering users compatibility, liquidity, decentralization, security, and access to the broader DeFi ecosystem. While Tether expanded its reach by adopting ERC-20, USDC was built from the ground up as an Ethereum-native stablecoin. These two stablecoins highlight the adaptability and versatility of the Ethereum network, further contributing to the growing importance of ERC-20 tokens in the cryptocurrency space.

